Thursday, 24 December 2009


social bookmarkingSOCIAL BOOKMARKING : LIST OF SOCIAL BOOKMARKING SITES WITH IMPORT TOOL- Imagine if hundreds of your bookmarks on inserted into many socialbookmarks a well with very quick and easy (Social bookmarking) without any software at all !!!. Have a bookmark on course and must have confused it to import bookmarks into another socialbookmark. Do not worry because many socialbookmarks that provide import facilities to its site.Not all social bookmarks have the import facility. Usually we have to enter one by one bookmark. When we have a bookmark file that contains hundreds of bookmarks, then we might as well put all the bookmarks with this import facility. Imagine if hundreds of your bookmarks on inserted into many socialbookmarks a well with very quick and easy. Certainly very pleasant. Here are some that have socialbookmark import facility so that only a few clicks you can insert your bookmarks. This facility does not require any additional software! YOU JUST NEED TO EXPLORE THE IMPORT TOOL in each of these socialbookmarks. SO have fun and get more pagerank in every page of your sites. Here we go... LIST OF SOCIAL BOOKMARKING SITES WITH IMPORT TOOL :

Delicious Social bookmarking (formerly, is an English word that means "delicious") is a web service for storage, distribution, and discovery bookmark. This web site was founded by Joshua Schatcher at the end of 2003 and was acquired by Yahoo! in the year 2005

The idea is to aggregate recommendations, tags (keywords), comments or just "more information" which exists within knowledge of the people (the folks!) and connect it to particular webpages or topics. Meaning that you and other folkd users will Social bookmarking this additional knowledge while surfing to discover the web faster and find things you'd probably have missed otherwise.

Diigo is a social bookmarking website which allows signed-up users Social bookmarking and tag web-pages. Additionally, it allows users to highlight any part of a webpage and attach sticky notes to specific highlights or to a whole page. These annotations can be kept private, shared with a group within Diigo or a special link forwarded to someone else. The name "Diigo" is an abbreviation for "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff".The launch of Diigo met with mixed responses from the unimpressed,to the enthusiastic.Diigo beta was listed as one of the top ten research tools by CNET in 2006.Outside the website, Diigo's graphical user interface includes an optional bookmarklet, or a customizable toolbar, with various search capabilities. Highlight is enabled by a menu, that can either appear automatically when content is selected, or be embedded into the context menu.In March 2009, Diigo acquired web-clipping service Furl from Looksmart for an undisclosed price

BlinkList is a powerful productivity tool that makes is much easier for anyone Social bookmarking and save their links for later. What can you do with BlinkList?Save any link in one easy click We give you a browser button to save web pages you like in one click Make sure that you never lose a cool web page again. With BlinkList you can save a local copy of any web page on your computer. That way, even if the web page disappears, you will always have a local copy that you can get back to later. Access your links from any computer We give you a website so that you can easily access all of the links that you saved from any computer.

Mister Wong is Europe's largest portal of its kind with over 7 million monthly users. It was founded by Kai Tietjen in March 2006. Though it first started in Germany, Mister Wong is now available in English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and French. The German version already has close to eight million saved websites. Mister Wong offers you an efficient way Social bookmarking and manage all of your favorite websites in a personal account. You can access your favorites online no matter where you are, whether it's at work, home, on your laptop, at university, internet cafés, and even on your cell phone. With the use of tags, you can organize your favorite bookmarks comfortably and individually. You decide whether you want to make your bookmarks private so that only you can see them, or public for all to see. With the large collection of saved public bookmarks, Mister Wong is an ideal peer-to-peer search engine where you can search for subjects by tags and find results recommended by the community.

Social bookmarking A webmark marks a location on the web, just like a bookmark marks a location in a book. It's a web page, whose address you want to remember for some reason. Webmarks are often called bookmarks or favorites, especially when the webmark itself is stored offline on your PC

Insesrt Your definition on this bookmarks. Find more exiting bookmarks.It's a web page, whose address you want to remember for some reason Social bookmarking and fun

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Social bookmark : History of Social bookmark

Social bookmark History of Social bookmark-The concept of Social bookmark History dates back to April 1996 Social bookmark History with the launch of itList,the features of which included public and private bookmarks.Within the next three years, online bookmark services became competitive, with venture-backed companies such as Backflip, Blink, Clip2, ClickMarks, HotLinks, and others entering the market.They provided folders for organizing bookmarks, and some services automatically sorted bookmarks into folders (with varying degrees of accuracy). Blink included browser buttons for saving bookmarks;Backflip enabled users to email their bookmarks to others and displayed "Backflip this page" buttons on partner websites.Lacking viable revenue models, this early generation of social bookmarking companies failed as the dot-com bubble burst — Backflip closed citing "economic woes at the start of the 21st century".In 2005, the founder of Blink said, "I don't think it was that we were 'too early' or that we got killed when the bubble burst. I believe it all came down to product design, and to some very slight differences in approach."

Founded in 2003, Delicious (then called pioneered and coined the term social bookmarking. In 2004, as Delicious began to take off, Furl and Simpy were released, along with Citeulike and Connotea (sometimes called social citation services) and the related recommendation system Stumbleupon. In 2006, Ma.gnolia, Blue Dot (later renamed to Faves), and Diigo entered the bookmarking field, and Connectbeam included a social bookmarking and tagging service aimed at businesses and enterprises. In 2007, IBM released its Lotus Connections product.Sites such as Digg, reddit, and Newsvine offer a similar system for organization of social news.
With regard to creating a high-quality search engine, a social bookmarking system has several advantages over traditional automated resource location and classification software, such as search engine spiders. All tag-based classification of Internet resources (such as web sites) is done by human beings, who understand the content of the resource, as opposed to software, which algorithmically attempts to determine the meaning of a resource. Also, people can find and bookmark web pages that have not yet been noticed or indexed by web spiders.ditionally, a social bookmarking system can rank a resource based on how many times it has been bookmarked by users, which may be a more useful metric for end users than systems that rank resources based on the number of external links pointing to it.
For users, social bookmarking can be useful as a way to access a consolidated set of bookmarks from various computers, organize large numbers of bookmarks, and share bookmarks with contacts. Libraries have found social bookmarking to be useful as an easy way to provide lists of informative links to patrons.
From the point of view of search data, there are drawbacks to such tag-based systems: no standard set of keywords (i.e., a folksonomy instead of a controlled vocabulary), no standard for the structure of such tags (e.g., singular vs. plural, capitalization), mistagging due to spelling errors, tags that can have more than one meaning, unclear tags due to synonym/antonym confusion, unorthodox and personalized tag schemata from some users, and no mechanism for users to indicate hierarchical relationships between tags (e.g., a site might be labeled as both cheese and cheddar, with no mechanism that might indicate that cheddar is a refinement or sub-class of cheese).
Despite these disadvantages, a simple form of shared vocabularies does emerge in social bookmarking systems. Collaborative tagging exhibits a form of complex systems (or self-organizing) dynamics. Although there is no central controlled vocabulary to constrain the actions of individual users, the distribution of tags that describe different resources has been shown to converge over time to a stable power law distribution.Once such stable distributions form, simple vocabularies can be extracted by examining the correlations between different tags.
Social bookmarking can also be susceptible to corruption and collusion.Due to its popularity, some users have started considering it as a tool to use along with search engine optimization to make their website more visible. The more often a web page is submitted and tagged, the better chance it has of being found. Spammers have started bookmarking the same web page multiple times and/or tagging each page of their web site using a lot of popular tags, obliging developers to constantly adjust their security system to overcome abuses

Tuesday, 22 December 2009


Cara membuat tempe - Cara membuat tempe itu mudah. Jangan belajar bisnis online belajar juga cara membuat tempe sendiri Bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat tempe sangat sederhana:
* 1 kg kedelai
* ragi tempe 2 gram (belinya mah sekalian sebungkus)
* 4 kantong plastik putih ukuran 1 kg atau sesuai selera
* dan panci besar
Cara membuat tempe:
* Cuci kedelai sampai bersih kemudian rendam sampai 24 jam + 3 menit :-) lalu....

* Besok paginya setelah 24 jam lewat 3 menit cuci kedelai di air yang mengalir sambil diremas-remas agar kulit arinya lepas.
* Saatnya merebus. Rebus kedelai dalam panci besar dengan air secukupnya kurang lebih 33 menit atau sampai terlihat kedelainya empuk.
* Tiriskan sampai kering.
* Tuang kedelai dalam wadah yang lebar agar mudah dingin.
* Setelah dingin campur kedelai dengan ragi tempe sebanyak 2 gram atau sesuaikan dengan petunjuk pemakaiannya.
* Aduk sampai rata kemudian masukan ke dalam kantong plastik yang telah disiapkan.
* Atur ketebalannya kurang lebih 3,3 cm.
* Tutup plastiknya dengan api lilin.
* Lubangi plastik dengan tusuk gigi atau ujung pisau secukupnya
* Taruh di rak beruji agar kena sirkulasi udara, diamkan selama 36 jam + 3 menit
* Siap dimasak….
Dengan semakin mahalnya harga tempe, kenapa kita gak coba bikin tempe sendiri. Caranya gak susah koq cuma mungkin perlu kesabaran.
Kacang kedelai 2kg
Ragi tempe 1 sdm
Tepung Sagu/Tapioka 1 sdm

Cara membuat:
Rebus Air di panci, setelah mendidih angkat.
Masukan kacang kedelai kedalam panci yang berisi air mendidih tadi, diamkan sampai air hangat.
Kacang kedelai tadi di buang kulitnya, sampai bersih.

Rebus kacang kedelai sampai airnya mengeluarkan buih/empuk.
Buang air rebusan tadi sampai kering, lalu masukan kacang kedelai kewadah yang datar yang bawahnya dialasi kain/handuk kecil, biar meresap dan tempe cepat kering.
setelah kacang kedelai kering, pindahkan tempe ke wadah yang cekung/bowl. Masukan Ragi tempe dan tepung sagu sambil di aduk aduk dan tercampur rata. Masukan Tempe kedalam Plastik dan rapatkan ujung plastiknya. Tusuk tusuk Plastik dengan ujung pisau sebanyak 8 tusukan dan di baliknya 8 tusukan,untuk mendapatkan udara.

Setelah semua selesai masukan tempe ke dalam tempat yang hangat/kotak, tutup dengan kain/handuk kecil, jangan di buka buka kurang lebih selama 36 jam.

Ragi tempe dapat diperoleh di penjual kacang kedelai, ragi ini beda dengan ragi roti atau ragi tape
-kedelai(terserah mau berapa aja aku saranin 1kg aja)
-ragi tempe(ragi tempe berbeda dengan ragi tape,ragi nya cukup 2gram)
-air bersih secukupnya
-plastik/daun pisang

-panci dan kompor

Cara membuat tempe:
1.Kedelai direndam selama 5jam
2.Rebus kedelai setengah matang
3.Kupas kulit nya(bisa memakai mesin atau tangan)belah kedelai menjadi dua
4.Direndam 24 jam
5.Cuci sampai bersih
6.Direbus sampai mendidih
7.Diangkat dan tiriskan sampai dingin
8.Bersihkan kotorannya
9.Beri ragi tempe secara merata
10.Bungkus dengan daun pisang, jika memakai plastik masukan kedelai ke plastik lalu tutup rapat lalu bolongin(jangan sampai ada udara)
11.Tunggu beberapa hari(kalau saya membuat sudah jadi dalam 1 hari)

Monday, 21 December 2009


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Tuesday, 8 December 2009


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Pendapatan dari kumpulblogger memang tidak seberapa, cuma puluhan ribu, tapi bandingkan dengan kerja kuli panas-panas tukang bangunan yang cuma dibayar 30 ribu, nah blogger karena well educated cukup kerja satu jam meningkatkan traffic dengan berbagai trik udah dapet duit deh. Lha wong gitu aja kok banyak yang mengeluh..termasuk aku sendiri hihihi.. kalo semangatku untuk menggali rahasia bisnis online mulai kendor maka aku pergi jalan-jalan ke keramaian ...ngeliat bagaimana orang-orang kerja berpeluh keringat dengan penghasilan yang gak jauh beda denganku.. duh jadi prihatin dengan kemalasanku..kerja nyante gini kok dibandingkan dengan mereka para pegawai..
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Rahasia bisnis online yang satu ini emang sengaja disebarluaskan bukannya tanpa pamrih, hehehhe pamrih kok cerita cerita...ya iyalah daripada pamrih ditutup-tutupi, sebenarnya rahasia kumpul blogger itu terletak pada

refferalnya. Apa itu refferal..cari sendiri lah di google..intinya kalo kamu daftar dari link ku maka aku dapet 25 rupiah per klik di link blog kamu. Kok dikit cuma 25 rupiah...jangan salah sekarang pengusaha fotokopi juga labanya segituan per lembar (100 kurangi harga kertas listrik tinta) tapi mereka bisa eksis bahkan bisa besar. Nah Padahal nyewa mesin fotokopinya berapa? nah kita cuma blog gratisan aja kok males..nah itulah manusia.
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1. Total Klik Text Link : Rp. 20,400
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Banyak ya..hehehhe dan langsung bisa di cairin tiap minggu malam. Itu baru dari satu blog gratisan ini lho... kalo dari blog2 ku yang puluhan jumlahnya itu ya tinggal dikira2 aja sendiri. Kalo di bandingin ma adsense emang banyakan adsense tapi itu berapa bulan bos? kalo ini cuma seminggu lho..Bisnis online gratis di kumpulblogger emang lumayan, wong yang punya aja sering jalan2 ngisi acara ke singapur..liat aja twiternya, jadi kalao buat mbayarin blogger kere kayak aku sih entheng banget, cuman yang salut telatennya itu lho.. setiap kelipatan sepuluh ribu tak suruh nyairin biar ada kerjaan dia dan emang beneran di transfer..Salut buat konsistensinya untuk pelayanan.
Peluang bisnis online gratis kayak gini sayang sekali kalau di sia-siakan Dan semua tulisanku tentang bisnis online di blog ini sudah menghasilkan uang..masak harus kasih bukti buku tabungan lagi.. duh gak asik banget..pertama karena bikin orang lain iri, yang kedua bikin orang lain prihatin dengan pengeluaranku hihihi. Emang boros sih masuknya banyak tapi keluarnya juga banyak soale suka gak tahan liat gadget baru..kok malah curhat. Intinya Bisnis online kumpulblogger terbukti menghasilkan Kalo gak percaya berarti bukan blogger karena gak pernah kontak2 ma blogger yang berhasil. Trus cara biar dapetnya gedhe gimana? caranya jangan diintipin terus tu revenue mu di kumpul blogger..Rahasia kumpul blogger terletak pada banyak2 nyari refferal dan rajin posting tentang apa saja. Tak selipin dikit tehnik SEO ya.. minimal posting itu 3 hari sekali karena google maksimal mengindeks posting baru itu tiga hari sekali, Trus kalo menjelang akhir bulan... Waspadalah... karena Crawler akan menembus urat nadi webmu sampi ke akar2nya...jadi akhir bulan kita di audit ma google, mangkanya bersih2 itu di akhir bulan, ati2 kalo ada kebocoran link atau broken link atau kata2 porno dsb.
Nah bsnis online akan lancar kalau hubungan kita dengan google juga ingat akhir bulan..Socialbookmark di gencarkan menjelang akhir bulan, blogwalking di tingkatkan.. berdoa di seringkan..:)
Nah sekian sepatah-dua patah tentang kumpulblogger, kalau berkenan silahkan daftar dengan refferal ku di sini atau kunjungi langsung ke situsnya. Yang makin tajir jangan ragu membagi ilmu, toh ntar juga rejekinya jadi nambah,,,amin
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Wednesday, 2 December 2009


The best worked in my opinion is
- RSS Directory (mybloglog, feedage, feedcat, etc)
This help boost SEO
- Social Networks (facebook, twitter, myspace, etc)
- Social bookmarks (digg, mixx, reddit, stumbleupon)
- Blog Comment
- Forum Links and Signature

Forget web-directory, it's waste of time
unless DMOZ Yahoo Dir, it just help a little no help at all...
Links from Directory is considered Link farm, so it wont boost your SEO.
And no one visit blog directory today, so you won't have any traffic.
that's seems easy... but believe it... it worked )

Regular and frequent visits by the crawler is the first sign that your site appeals to Google. Thus the most efficient way to get frequent and deep crawls is to develop a website that search engines see as important and valuable. INCREASE CRAWL RATE GOOGLE FOR BETTER TRAFFIC
Note that you can’t force Googlebot to visit you more often – what you can do is to invite it to come. Possible measures to take to increase the crawl rate may include:
Update your content often and regularly (and ping Google once you do) – well, an obvious one, so not much to describe here; in a word, try to add new unique content as often as you can afford and do it regularly (3 times a week can be the best solution if you can’t update your site daily and are looking for the optimal update rate).
Make sure your server works correctly: mind the uptime and Google Webmaster tools reports of the unreached pages. Two tools I can recommend here are Pingdom and
Mind your page load time: note that the crawl works on a budget – if it spends too much time crawling your huge images or PDFs, there will be no time left to visit your other pages.
Check the site internal link structure: make sure there is no duplicate content returned via different URLs: again, the more time the crawler spends figuring your duplicate content, the fewer useful and unique pages it will manage to visit. INCREASE CRAWL RATE GOOGLE FOR BETTER TRAFFIC
Get more back links from regularly crawled sites.
Adjust the crawl speed via Google Webmaster tools.
Add a sitemap (though it’s up for a debate whether the sitemap can help with crawling and indexing issues, many webmasters report they have seen increased crawl rate after adding it).
Make sure your server returns the correct header response. Does it handle your error pages properly? Don’t make the bot figure out what has happened: explain it clearly.
Make sure you have unique title and meta tags for each of your pages.
Monitor Google crawl rate for your site and see what works and what not