Wednesday, 28 January 2009


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2 | Yahoo! Buzz
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Tuesday, 27 January 2009



Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Sudah lama sekali saya tidak menulis di blog saya ini, tapi insya allah setelah ini bakal lebih sering saya isi. Kenapa? Saya akan memberitahukan sebabnya... Pada tanggal 23 Januari 2009 kemarin saya bekerjasama dengan seorang rekan yang sama-sama aktif belajar web development, melakukan Launching produk Internet Marketing pertama

kami. Sebenarnya bukan yang pertama, tapi sebelum-sebelumnya yang kami jalankan adalah milik orang lain, jadi kami hanya nebeng usaha saat itu.

Tapi untuk yang satu ini adalah murni milik kami sendiri, dari hasil korporasi kami berdua. Konsep yang kami ambil adalah mencoba turut serta dalam menyebarkan syariah Islam yang kami padukan dengan usaha Internet Marketing. Tujuannya cuma satu yaitu untuk membantu anda-anda yang ingin lebih tahu banyak tentang syariah Islam, karena didalam program kami ini terdapat banyak produk-produk ebook dan software yang berbau Islamis, seperti sofware Al Qur'an Digital sehingga anda bisa membaca Al Qur'an dari komputer.

Jika belum lancar membaca Al Qur'an anda tidak perlu kuatir, kami juga menyertakan software program belajar Tajwid yang cukup simple dan mudah untuk dipelajari. Cukup menarik sekali, ini adalah software kesukaan saya karena saya bisa belajar mengaji sendiri, tidak perlu capek-capek mengundang ustad ke rumah, selain itu saya bisa mengajari anak dirumah sambil mengenalkan anak pada teknologi komputer, anak akan merasa tertarik dan senang karena bisa belajar mengaji sambil bermain.

Selain kedua produk tadi, kami juga menyertakan ebook-ebook Islami yang akan memberikan kita penyegaran rohani serta dapat mengisi rasa dahaga kita akan keyakinan iman kepada Sang Pencipta. Jumlahlah cukup banyak yang kami peroleh dari hasil koleksi atau membeli. Akan kami berikan semua kepada anda semuanya.

Tidak kalah pentingnya juga, produk yang berisi panduan bagi anda, jika sudah menjadi member kami, untuk bisa turut serta menyebarkan syariah ini kepada rekan atau teman-teman anda dimana kami akan membagi penghasilan yang diperoleh dengan anda, dengan sistem komisi hak reseller sebesar 50 %. Ini akan memandu anda untuk menjadi seorang internet marketing yang bisa memperoleh penghasilan dengan mudah dan besar peluangnya melalui usaha online. Cukup menarik bukan, sambil menebarkan rahmat, kita berikhtiar untuk kesejahteraan bersama.

Kami juga mengikutkan produk-produk tentang belajar internet marketing, membuat website, ebook-ebook motivasi khusus bagi anda para member sebagai bonus tambahan yang tak ternilai harganya, tapi di akan kami berikan sebagai bonus, gratis. Karena kami telah mebacanya, dan tidak ada salahnya jika kami turut berbagi dan menyebarkannya demi kebaikan bersama, semoga program-program ini bisa memenuhi apa yang anda inginkan selama ini.

Nah, itulah mengapa saya bilang tadi akan lebih sering mengunjungi blog saya ini, karena akan saya gunakan sebagai penuang ide-ide cemerlang yang bisa saya gunakan untuk bisnis internet saya selanjutnya. Besar harapan saya jika anda berkenan untuk memberikan kritik dan saran, tentunya yang bersifat membangun, kepada program ini.

Jika anda merasa tertarik dan ingin bergabung dengan kami silahkan kunjungi (ini adalah id saya sendiri), atau anda bisa langsung klik

atau, anda bisa langsung klik banner yang ada di awalan dan akhir posting ini. Sama saja.
Nah semoga sukses.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

Sunday, 25 January 2009


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Saturday, 24 January 2009

Bisnis syariah

Bisnis syariah online???
Mengapa sibuk dengan bisnis yang tidak jelas halal haramnya sedangkan bisnis mudah dan halal ada di depan mata

Sebarkan Syariah dan Tingkatkan Kesejahteraan Anda
Dengan Internet...
Cukup Bisa Mengetik dan Mengakses Internet, Anda Sudah Memiliki Syarat yang Cukup untuk Bisa Turut Menyebarkan Syariah dan Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Bersama dengan Internet...
Kami akan ajarkan anda caranya!
PERINGATAN: Produk-produk yang akan Anda peroleh selain Islami juga dalam bentuk motivasi dan pencerahan modern yang Insya Allah akan mengobati rasa haus keyakinan Anda, serta program ini bisa membantu Anda memperoleh penghasilan materi yang tak terbatas dan akan menjadi TITIK BALIK kehidupan anda selanjutnya!
bisnis syariah

Friday, 16 January 2009


Dalam suatu bisnis selalu meniscayakan 3 hal, yaitu Skill, Capital, Product. Seiring menjamurnya bisnis

internet dewasa ini maka kita harus jeli memilih bisnis internet apa yang bisa menghasilkan profit dan bisnis internet mana yang hanya berupa penipuan saja. Indikatornya sangat mudah yaitu apakah bisnis tersebut memenuhi 3 hal dasar dari bisnis yaitu Skill, Capital, Product atau lebih sering disebut SCP atau tidak. Mari kita bahas komponen bisnis tersebut satu persatu :

  1. Skill, atau lebih gampangnya adalah sumberdaya manusia (SDM) atau ada yang menyebutnya entrepeneur, adalah faktor utama dalam bisnis internet. Tapi kita jangan berkecil hati dan rendah diri dengan skill kita. Banyak pebisnis yang sukses dengan skill yang pas-pasan tapi selalu mengupgrade skillnya dengan latihan dan kebiasaan. Mengapa disebut sebagai faktor utama dalam bisnis? karena tidak ada bisnis apapun yang bisa jalan tanpa skill atau SDM ini. Contohnya makelar mobil, dia memakai skill komunikasi dan marketing, ada yang bilang tanpa Capital atau modal tapi sebenarnya tetap pakai modal karena at least makelar butuh makan, sarana transportasi dsb.
  2. Capital, atau modal. Bohong kalau ada bisnis yang tanpa modal. Makelar pun membutuhkan modal seperti yang disebutkan tadi. Bisnis internet yang tanpa modal harus sedikit kita waspadai.
  3. Product, produk bisnis bisa berupa barang atau jasa.

Oke sekarang kita sudah mengenal SCP, lalu apa hubungannya dengan memilih bisnis internet yang rasional?.

Bisnis Internet selalu menawarkan mimpi yang muluk-muluk dan selalu menawarkan kaya secara instant. Permasalahannya adalah dengan iklan yang berlebihan semacam itu membuat kita sering dibingungkan mana bisnis yang baik dan mana yang penipuan. Hal yang perlu di garisbawahi adalah TIDAK ADA bisnis yang bisa membuat kaya tanpa kerja keras. Komposisinya adalah 99% kerja keras atau kerja cerdas dan 1% keberuntungan. Mohon jangan dibalik. Bisnis internet yang rasional adalah bisnis yang memenuhi 3 komponen bisnis tersebut yaitu SCP. Sedangkan bisnis internet yang baik adalah dengan skill yang minimum, capital yang minimum tetapi menawarkan product yang maksimal sehingga profit bisa maksimal. Selain itu carilah bisnis internet yang TRANSPARAN dan rasional dalam pembagian profit. Dalam menyikapi tawaran bisnis internet, mindset di kepala kita harus dirubah. NMA, Negative Mental Attitude, atau prasangka, tidak seharusnya menjadi penghalang dalam meraih kesempatan. Mekanisme pada manusia normal adalah waspada, tetapi hal ini menjadi kontra produktif apabila tidak diimbangi oleh Positive Mental Attitude. PMA ini membuat kita melakukan action, bukan hanya ketakutan, tetapi bukan berarti kita hanya trial and error, tetapi harus jeli dengan penawaran2 bisnis internet. Intinya adalah take action, mencoba, dan mempelajari faktor-faktor penghalang dalam bisnis, bisa jadi faktor itu sebenarnya ada dalam kepala kita sendiri, yaitu NMA tadi. Contoh bisnis internet yang rasional adalah affiliasi, atau affiliate bisnis karena memenuhi SCP dengan Skill dan Capital yang minimum.

Bisnis Affiliasi yang direkomendasikan adalah Formula bisnis. Tapi ingat : JANGAN MELAKUKAN BISNIS INI TANPA MEMILIKI BLOG ATAU WEBSITE.

1. Syarat utama bisnis affiliasi adalah memiliki blog atau website

misalnya blog di blogspot atau wordpress.

2.Aliran dana atau cash flow dalam formula bisnis terputus jadi seperti frenchise dalam bisnis konvensional, sehingga tidak merugikan downline semacam MLM.

Berikut sistem kerja formula bisnis :

Skill: anda hanya perlu mendaftar menjadi member dengan mengisikan username dan alamat email, serta mengisi password untuk login, setelah itu akan ada konfirmasi via email

Capital : Biaya 200.000 harus anda transfer, setelah ada konfirmasi via email. Ini merupaka modal minimal dalam bisnis, 100 ribu pertama adalah pembelian frenchise dan upah terhadap penyedia layanan, layanan itu berupa maintenace web dan follow up via sms dan email terhadap setiap klien kita dan customer kita. Saya kira itu layak dan rasional mengingat harga frenchise diluar sangat gila (mac.Donald, Alfamart, Tela-tela) dan bagaimana kita membayar pegawai, bayar pembantu di rumah saja mahal J, ini cukup membayar sekali 100 ribu untuk selamanya. 100 ribu yang kedua digunakan untuk membayar info, advertising, dan starter kit, berbagai materi download, ebook dsb. Jadi total Capital hanya 200 rubu. SETELAH ITU ikuti petunjuk pengisian.

Product : Hak Frenchise, ebook dan web tools dan puluhan tutorial bisnis yang di pasaran harganya ratusan ribu hingga jutaan, sebagai pembanding coba anda ikut seminar bisnis internet, tiket invitationnya aja ratusan ribu J

Setelah anda melakukan transfer dan konfirmasi via email atau sms, saatnya anda menjalankan bisnis dan mendapatkan profit atau laba.

Silahkan anda masuk ke member area pada website formula bisnis dan copy kode banner atau iklan dan pastekan di blog atau web anda, untuk blogger tinggal add gadget dan add HTML.


Setiap kali ada pengunjung Blog atau web anda melakukan klik terhadap Banner tadi dan masuk ke web formula bisnis serta menjadi member, maka anda akan mendapatkan 100.000 lewat rekening Bank yang anda masukkan di profile anda. Uang ini berasal dari 200 ribu yang disetorkan member anda tadi seperti petunjuk diatas. Jadi ini bukan MLM, karena Cash FLOW terputus hanya pada banner di blog atau web kita, member kita hanya meberikan kontribusi sekali kepada kita yaitu 100 ribu tadi. Jadi yang perlu dilakukan adalah bekerja cerdas dengan menempatkan banner seefisien mungkin serta mengiklankan bisnis kita terus menerus. Tetapi Keuntungannya adalah dengan bertambahnya traffic ke blog atau web kita maka kita akan semakin banyak peluang profit. Rasional bukan?

Setelah mencoba berbagai bisnis mudah semacam google adsense, ppc, adsense indonesia, sponsor review maka saya berani merekomendasikan bisnis ini karena profitnya lumayan. Formula bisnis sangat transparan dalam pembagian profit, selain itu sudah berdiri sejak 2001 sehingga sangat rasional ketika kita menganggap bahwa fakta sampai sekarang bisnis ini masih eksis berdiri menandakan ini bukan bisnis penipuan.

Silahkan masuk ke websitenya dan pelajari dengan positif, silahkan klik di sini untuk mendaftar.

Silahkan beri komentar kalau ada pertanyaan dan masukan

Hudson River US Airways jet crash-lands, TERRORIST?

Passengers stand on the wings of a U.S. Airways plane after it crash-landed in the Hudson River in New York. The Airbus carrying more than 150 passengers and crew

reportedly struck a flock of birds after taking off from LaGuardia Airport.
Flight 1549 carried more than 150 passengers and crew. The plane traveling to Charlotte, N.C., apparently lost power after hitting a flock of birds.
By Geraldine Baum and Michael Muskal
2:54 PM PST, January 15, 2009
Reporting from Los Angeles and New York -- A US Airways plane apparently hit some birds and was forced to crash-land in the icy waters of New York's Hudson River this afternoon, but all of the more than 150 passengers and crew survived.
"My understanding is that everybody is alive, but don't I know if there are any serious injuries or not," said Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Laura Brown. "There are no passengers remaining on the plane."
A US Airways flight from LaGuardia Airport in New York went down in the Hudson River this afternoon with 155 passengers and crew on board, and rescuers moved quickly to remove everyone from the plane as it gradually settled into the frigid water.

Authorities said there were no fatalities and that all aboard got off safely.

Flight 1549, an Airbus A320, appeared to make a controlled landing in the water shortly after takeoff from New York bound for Charlotte, N.C.

Television news footage showed the aircraft resting apparently intact in the water as ferries and rescue vessels surrounded it and helicopters flew overhead.

Inflatable boats were deployed to carry passengers from the plane to the nearby vessels.

A spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration, Laura Brown, said, "My understanding is that everyone is alive. I don't know if there are any serious injuries or not."

Brown said the plane appeared to have hit one or more birds on takeoff. Initial accounts indicated the airliner lost both engines.

"We understand there were eyewitness reports that the plane might have flown into a flock of birds," Brown said.

But Ellen Howe, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration, confirmed only that there was "no known nexus to terrorism" in the downing.

A Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman, Laura Keehner said, "There is no information at this time to indicate that this is a security-related incident. We continue to closely monitor the situation, which at present is focused on search and rescue."

Alberto Panero, a passenger on the plane, told CNN in a telephone interview that everyone on the plane was "pretty much okay" after the impact.

"This was a near-death experience that thankfully did not turn out that way," he said.

January 15, 2009, 3:48 pm
Latest Updates on Hudson Jet Rescue
By Ken Belson

[Refresh this post for continuing live blog updates. Please also see complete coverage on]

6:20 p.m. | The news conference has concluded. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said most of the passengers did not even touch the frigid Hudson. “There were a few that I talked to that went into the water,” he said. “Most I gather either stepped directly form the plane onto a boat, or onto the wings and then onto a boat, so most were not soaking wet.”

He said there was no indication of terrorism or sabotage, but that the details of what caused the accident would have to await the lengthy investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board.

“There’s never anything that’s done quickly when they investigate plane incidents, and that’s something that should give you pleasure,” he said. “It does not seem to be anything other than an accident or something natural.” He added: “The specualtion about birds or something else is something we’ll leave to the National Transportation Safety Board.”

“If it was going to have to happen,” the mayor concluded, “this outcome is as good as you could ever hope and pray for.” He said he would not be afraid to have his daughters flying in airplanes tonight.

Mr. Bloomberg noted that the plane did not quickly fill with water, as the pilot was able to walk up and back the aisle, checking for passengers left behind. Two police officers also boarded and searched for passsengers, and by that time some water had entered the plane. By 5:45 p.m., Mr. Bloomberg said, the plane remained intact and afloat, near Battery Park.

As for the pilot’s account, that, too, would have to wait. “He did not talk about what he did other than to help us ascertain that everybody got off,” the mayor said.

6:12 p.m. | Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Gov. David A. Paterson called a news conference at the Hudson pier. Mayor Bloomberg said that it appeared that all 155 passengers and crew, including an infant, had survived the crash, with few injuries, and that the pilot had done “a masterful job.”

“We are trying to verify every single perosn that was on that boat and make sure that they are accounted for but there is no reason to believe at the moment that this wasnt something that we should thank God for that everyone got out safely,” Mr. Bloomberg said.

Gov. David A. Paterson, speaking at the same news confernece, called it nothing short of a miracle.
“We’ve had a miracle on 34th Street, I believe now we’ve had a miracle on the Hudson,” Mr. Paterson said. “This pilot, somehow, without any engines, was somehow able to land this plane, and perhaps without any injuries to the passengers.”

“This is a potential tragedy that may have become one of the most magnificent days in the history of New York City agencies,” Governor Paterson added.

The mayor and the governor said they had spoken to several of the survivors, including the pilot.

“He walked the plane twice after everyody else got off,” Mayor Bloomberg said of the pilot, whom he did not name.

Governor Paterson said he spoke with a retired police officer from Charlotte, N.C., who was on the plane, and the officer said that “he’d participated in these types of rescues and he’d never seen anything this magnificent.” Another told Mr. Paterson that his brother was killed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. “He is no stranger to tragedy,” Mr. Paterson said, “but he’s a very blessed person today.”

The mayor said that a few people were taken to hospitals in both New Jersey and New York, including some who asked to go, and that they were in stable condition although details of the injuries remain unclear.

Mr, Bloomberg said he had spoken to the mayor of Charlotte and offered to but him talked to mayor of Charlotte and offered to buy him a drink. “I pointed out this is not normally the way people arrive in New YOrk City,” he said. “But as long as everybody got out safely i think everything else is secondary.”

As for the rescue, he said the fire department, police department and Port authority police had worked in coordination, as they train to do, with air support from the state. “Everything did seem to work as well as you would hope it would work,” the mayor said.

5:50 p.m. | The following is the statement made by Doug Parker, chairman and chief executive of U.S. Airways, about the plane crash in the Hudson River, as transcribed by The Times. Mr. Parker was speaking at the company’s headquarters in Phoenix.

I can confirm U.S. Airways Flight 1549 was involved in an accident. The Airbus A320 was en route to Charlotte from La Guardia. It had 150 passengers on board. The flight was operated with a crew of two pilots and three flight attendants. U.S. Airways is confirming passenger and crew names and will issue those as soon as possible. At this point no additional details can be confirmed. Our preliminary report is that everyone is off the plane and accounted for.

We’ve activated our U.S. Airways care team of specially trained employee volunteers to assist those affected by this accident. Individuals who believe they may have family members on board Flight 1549 may call U.S. Airways at 1-800-679-8215 within the United States. The number can be reached toll free from international locations through AT&T’s U.S.A. Direct. To contact an AT&T operator please visit for U.S.A. Direct access codes. Others are asked please not to call this number so the lines can be kept available for those who truly need them.

It’s premature to speculate about the cause of this accident. Out of respect for those affected we would ask that you also resist the temptation to speculate.

The National Transportation Safety Board will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the probable cause with our complete support and the support of many others. Further, we are working with and will continue to cooperate fully with the N.T.S.B., local, state and national authorities and answers will emerge during the course of that investigation.

Right now we’re working to care for those who have been touched by this accident. Members of our airline family will come together with these families to help however we can. I am on my way to New York shortly.

In closing, safety is, has been and forever will be our foremost priority at U.S. Airways. All of us at U.S. Airways are committed to determining the cause of this event and to assisting in every way possible in preventing a similar occurrence.

U.S. Airways will continue to release information as it becomes available. Please monitor for the latest information.

5:48 p.m. | Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and other officials are expected to take questions at a news conference at Pier 81 on the Hudson at 6 p.m.

5:45 p.m. | A US Airways plane that took off Thursday at 3:26 p.m. from La Guardia Airport plunged into the Hudson River five minutes later, but all 153 people on board were rescued, the Federal Aviation Administration said.

The plane itself remains nearly submerged. Ferries and other boats converged to help with a rescue effort, as the plane drifted south in the water. Initial reports from police and people at the scene are that everyone on the plane escaped.

The plane, US Airways flight 1549, took off from LaGuardia Airport at 3:26 p.m. was bound for Charlotte, N.C., and had 148 passengers and 5 crew members. The plane headed north and rose to 3,200 feet before banking west towards the Hudson River. The plane then started descending as it headed south down the Hudson River. The pilot tried to return to the airport when the plane fell into the river.

A bird or several birds entered engines on both sides of the plane, or a “double bird” in the jargon of safety workers. It is not clear when or where the plane hit the birds.

A small flotilla of boats descended on the site, including several commuter ferries as well as the Coast Guard Cutter Ridley to help rescue passengers on the plane, an Airbus A320. New York Police Department divers dove into the water to assist with the rescue as plane floated southbound on the river, possibly due to the tidal direction.

“Someone came into my office and said a plane crashed,” said Tom Fox, general manager of New York Water Taxi, “and we ran out the door.”

Fox rode out to within several hundred yards of the plane on one of three Waterways boats that responded, but authorities indicated that additional help was not needed, apparently because most of the people had already been rescued.

At 4:52 p.m., a city official at one of the command centers, at Fire Department headquarters in Brooklyn said, “Everyone is accounted for, they are all out of the plane. They are going to New Jersey and New York, to three different piers. We don’t believe we have any fatalities.”

The official said that many patients are getting triage and medical assessment at the scene. The official said that they had been taken to area hospitals. Some people have been taken to St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital.

Also, about 40 or 50 people were at Weehawken, New Jersey, the official said.
crash map

Shortly before 4 p.m., a New York Waterways ferry pulled into Pier 79 at 39th Street and 12th Avenue and, led by a man wrapped only in a blanket, about 15 passengers from the airplane were escorted into the ferry terminal. No one was carrying any belongings.

“They look amazingly calm, but I bet their hearts are racing,” said Bob Grindrod, of Syracuse, who was waiting to board a ferry for New Jersey.

The divers were dropped into the water from helicopters overhead, police officials said. Some passengers were able to free themselves from the plane. They could be seen on the exterior in televised reports.

One passenger interviewed on WNBC said that the pilot told everyone on board to brace for a hard landing. Passengers started saying prayers before the plane hit the water. The passenger, who said he saw the left engine blow out, added that it was “kind of orderly” getting off the plane.

Some passengers being plucked from the frigid water were being taken to the Circle Line piers nearby at West 42nd Street. It was less than 20 degrees Farenheit in New York City at the time. Fire and police rescue crews were rushing to the water.

One witness interviewed by WNBC said he saw the plane descending steadily without its landing gear down.

The plane was almost totally submerged at 4:22 p.m., as sunlight ran out. The plane is just across from the Old Marine terminal at Pier 57. All of it was submerged except for the cockpit at that point, at 4:22 p.m. and is midway between New York and New Jersey.

An official in a boat at the scene, said, “It just looks like the very front of the aircraft. The nose; the cockpit, and the left wing. A portion of the left wing. It is just the nose and the cockpit bobbing out of the water, and the rest of it is submerged under the river. The left wing is also visible.”

“As far as we believe there is no one on board,” the official said.

New Yorkers in apartments and office towers up and down the west side of Manhattan saw the plane descend.

Fulmer Duckworth, 41, who does computer graphics for the Bank of America, was meeting with his boss on the 29th floor of the building at West 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue when he saw the plane hit the water. “It made this huge, gigantic splash, and I actually thought it was a boat crash at first,” he said. “It didn’t occur to me that it was a plane in the water.”

He saw it spin counterclockwise in the water, and going with the current. When it landed, it was heading south, down the Hudson, but before it floated out of his sight it was facing east, he said.

After a co-worker found a pair of binoculars, he looked out the window and saw people standing on both of the plane’s wings, and a flotation device, a round boat, attached to the plane.

He estimated 70 or 80 people were on the wings. “Actually it looked like everybody was really calm, like on the subway platform when it’s really, really crowded, and everyone’s standing shoulder to shoulder. Everyone was standing right up against each other on the wings.”

He said the plane floated for two or three minutes before it started to sink.

Susan Obel, a retiree who lives on West 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, in a 20th floor apartment, saw the plane flying unusually low.

“When you see a plane somewhere that it isn’t supposed to be, you get that eerie feeling,” Ms. Odel said. “I didn’t think it was a terrorist, but I did worry. I didn’t hear anything, but then I hung up and my friend called me a few minutes later and told me to turn on the T.V.”

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has set up a family center at the Crowne Plaza Hotel near LaGuardia Airport. Air traffic officials said they have resumed flights in and out of LaGuardia.

The last fatal crash of a scheduled airliner flight in this country was in Lexington, Ky., on Aug. 27, 2006, nearly 30 months ago.

Refresh this blog post for continuing live updates.

Read a news article with links to complete NYTimes coverage.

MSNBC has live video of the scene.

We would like to hear from witnesses who saw the plane go down. Call our Metro Desk editorial assistants at (212) 556-1533.

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Al Baker, Jim Dwyer, Kevin Flynn, Tina Kelley, Jodi Rudoren and Matthew L. Wald contributed reporting.

Sunday, 11 January 2009


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Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Obama, does he support Israel ?

foto obama by Bauer-Griffin
Despite growing pressure on Barack Obama to speak out on the crisis in Gaza, the US president-elect has remained silent on the issue.
Obama, holidaying in Hawaii, has made no public remarks on Israel's unrelenting military assault on the Palestinian territory, which has left more than 380 people there dead.
The former Illinois senator spoke out after last month's attacks in Mumbai and has made detailed statements on the US economic crisis.
But some fear that the US president-elect's reluctance to speak out on the Gaza raids could be sending its own message.

"Silence sounds like complicity," Mark Perry, the Washington Director of the Conflicts Forum group, told Al Jazeera.
"Obama has said that Israel has the right to defend itself from rocket attacks but my question to him is 'does he believe that Palestinians also have the right of self-defence?'"
Obama (bauergriffin)
Support for Israel

Israel says the operation is necessary to prevent Palestinian rocket attacks on the south of the country.

And Obama repeatedly spoke out in support for Israel during his election campaign, describing the country as one of the US' greatest allies and has vowed to ensure its security.

Obama was shown Palestinian rockets during his visit to Sderot [AFP]
He caused anger in the Arab world when he told a pro-Israel lobby group in June that Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel.

He also visited Sderot, the Israeli town close to Gaza regularly targeted by Palestinian rocket fire, in July, to show his support for residents.

Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, has cited comments Obama made during that visit in his own justification for launching the assault.

"Obama said that if rockets were being fired at his home while his two daughters were sleeping, he would do everything he could to prevent it," Barak was reported as saying on Monday.

Obama's aides have repeatedly said he is monitoring the situation and continues to receive intelligence briefings but that he is not yet US president.

But George Bush, the current US leader, has also remained silent on Israel's attacks although the White House has offered its support to Israel.

Arabs pessimistic

In depth
Latest updates on the Gaza raids
Opinion: Isreal's failure to learn
Gaza Diary: Destroyed memories

No let up in assault on Gaza
Aid boat forced to dock in Lebanon
Nowhere to run for trapped Gazans

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Many Arabs were cautiously optimistic about Obama's election victory in November, in the belief that a fresh face in the White House would be better than Bush, who invaded Iraq and gave strong support to Israel.

But his choice of a foreign policy team, especially Hillary Clinton as US secretary of state and Rahm Emanuel as his White House chief-of-staff, have raised doubts that much will change.

But some see his see his silence as symptomatic of caution over his own position and the power of the Israel lobby.

"He wants to be cautious and I think he will remain cautious because the Arab-Israeli conflict is not one of his priorities," Hassan Nafaa, an Egyptian political scientist and secretary-general of the Arab Thought Forum in Amman, told Reuters.

"Obama's position is very precarious. The Jewish lobby warned against his election, so he has chosen to remain silent (on Gaza)," added Hilal Khashan, a professor of political science at the American University of Beirut.

Protests demand change

However many in the US have called on Obama to speak out personally on events in Gaza.

Protesters gathered at Obama's transition office in Washington DC on Monday, and outside his holiday residence in Hawaii on Tuesday, to demand he do more.

"The Obama administration is working hand in glove with the Bush administration and...there is no reason that they can't work together to get something done," Mike Reitz, a federal government worker, told Al Jazeera at the transition office protest.

At another protest against Israel's actions in Gaza outside the White House on Tuesday, some were sceptical about Barack Obama's commitment to Middle East peace-making.

"Is this the change that you were talking about?," said Reza Aboosaiedi, a computer specialist from Iran.

"If this is the change, you have a very, very deep problem, because if you add them up with the other economic problems and other problems in America, having this kind of problem in the Middle East, I don't think he can manage it."

But others at the protest still saw some hope that the former Illinois senator could make a difference.

"I would like to think that he would be more active than Bush in trying to push an agenda to bring Israel and Palestine together to have peace talks, but I don't know," said Bob Malone, a lawyer.

"But I'm an optimist, so I hope so."
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies

By Phil Sherwell, in New York
Last Updated: 9:01AM GMT 04 Jan 2009

Mr Obama takes up temporary accommodation in Washington today after travelling from Chicago with his wife Michelle and daughters, Malia and Sasha. After he has seen off his two daughters for the first day at their new school tomorrow morning, Mr Obama has an appointment with Democratic and Republican leaders about his $775 billion (£533 billion) economic stimulus plan.

While he is in daily touch with his new foreign policy team, headed by the prospective secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, about the developments in the Middle East, he will not take a direct stance on the fighting until taking office on Jan 20.

Mrs Clinton is expected to pursue a burst of shuttle diplomacy after her confirmation, in part to establish her credentials as an honest broker.

As First Lady, she provoked criticism from some Jewish groups for embracing Suha Arafat, the wife of the late Palestinian leader. But in her role as New York senator, she has been a strident ally of Israel.

President George W Bush has all but ceded handling of the country's economic slump to his successor. However, on foreign policy, Mr Obama and his aides are sticking to the mantra that the country has only one president at a time.

"The best leaders can multi-task while keeping their priorities clear," said Dan Gerstein, a Democratic strategist.

"The discipline that Obama showed during the campaign bodes well for his presidency and his ability to handle more than one crisis at a time. But he was elected to solve the country's economic woes and he won't be distracted."

Mr Obama used his weekly video address to the country on Saturday to offer the most detail yet on his proposals for widespread infrastructure spending and tax breaks.

Mr Gerstein said: "It's a fine line but so far he's walked it. He needs to show there's no need to panic while conveying the seriousness of the situation we're in."

The clashes 6,000 miles away between Israeli forces and Hamas are a stark reminder of the daunting array of challenges outside his core policies that he will face after the inauguration.

During his election campaign Mr Obama focused his foreign policy agenda on withdrawing from Iraq and changing the direction of war in Afghanistan. Aaron David Miller, a former US Middle East negotiator and adviser to six secretaries of state, said that although Mr Obama was elected to mend the US economy, he would inevitably have to involve himself in events in Gaza.

"He'll have no choice but to try to tackle the Middle East," he said. "The issue will stick to him like a barnacle to a boat. The Europeans, the Arabs and the international community will be all over him like a cheap suit demanding he do something.

"But he could inherit a very different situation on Jan 21 from where we are now. Three weeks is an eternity in the Arab-Israeli conflict."

He predicted that an Obama administration would "differentiate between a special and an exclusive relationship with Israel" and would seek ways to talk to Hamas through a third party such as Egypt.

Daniel Levy, who was a special adviser to the former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and is now the director of the Middle East Initiative at the New American Foundation think-tank in Washington, said the incoming president's words would come under intense scrutiny.

"Obama will face his first challenge on the Middle East as soon as makes his first comments," he said.

"Everyone is waiting not just to hear the words but to hear the nuance. We may hear language that has not been heard for a long time – strongly supportive of Israel's security concerns, but also empathetic to the Palestinians and their needs."

Friday, 2 January 2009

Israel : World Biggest Terrorist Organization

Israel : World Biggest Terrorist Organization . . I think this ‘trade-Mark’ really Worth-it For You . . . or least worth-it? The word TERRORIST not quite Great to how

how This great-great massacre. Since 27th December, 2 days after the cristians celebrated the birth of their Prince of Peace, Israel used F-16 jet fighters and Apache helicopters, approximately 100 tonnes (110 short tons) of explosives to rain in to people of Gaza in the very holy land of Palestine. Close to 400 people have died including women and children and thousands are critically injured. Israel-oh Israel NO DOUBT . . . You are really World Biggest Terrorist Organization.
Oh Israel . . . . Dont You Ever remember KHAIBAR . . . . ooo i think this word is a very fomous for you. . . it will happen again!!
As stated previously in The CIA as a Terrorist Organization "terrorism" is here taken to mean the practice of the deliberate inflicting (either directly or indirectly) of harm, injury, death and/or destruction upon a civilian target sufficient to cause horror, revulsion or despair among civilian populations and/or their political leaders, with the goal of causing those populations or political leaders to act in a way desired by the terrorists.

A terrorist state is a state which practices terrorism, even if it pretends (or rather, lies) to the world that it does not. It hardly needs to be pointed out that Israel is a terrorist state. Brutal repression of, and bloody attacks on, Palestinian civilians with the official Israeli aim of causing a change in the policies or actions of the Palestinian leadership is a clear case of terrorism.

One of the vilest acts of terrorism committed by Israel was the assassination on 2004-03-22 of the 67-year old spiritual head of Hamas, an organization which, as well as resisting Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank, attempts to provide educational, medical, etc., services to the Palestinian people, whose social infrastructure has been practically destroyed by Israel.

Israel assassinates Hamas founder and leader

Hamas spiritual leader Shiekh Ahmed Yassin was killed at daybreak Monday when Israeli helicopters fired missiles at his car as he left a mosque near his house in Gaza City.

Kawther Salam: The assassination of Sheikh Yassin was written between the Lines of the U.S. Road Map

And then a month later Israel used the same method (a missile fired from a U.S.-supplied helicopter gunship) to murder Sheikh Yassin's successor, Abdel Aziz Rantissi (his son was also killed in the attack).

There is no limit to Israel's depravity. Every abomination is followed by a worse abomination. It is almost as if Israel is taunting the world by heaping evil on top of evil.

Israel has been a terrorist state from its beginning, and has its foundations in terrorism. Three Israeli prime ministers were or are terrorists:

* Menachim Begin took part in terrorist acts in the 1940s, including the attack on the King David Hotel which killed 91 people.

Begin ordered ... the destruction of the central British administrative offices in the King David Hotel. — Jewish Virtual Library

In 1946, Jewish terrorists agitating for their own state in British-occupied Palestine blew up Jerusalem's King David Hotel, killing 91. Two years later, an independent Israel was established. "There were a lot of innocent British women and children killed there," says Hanson. "But in the end, it worked; the British left." — Some Dirty Little Secrets About Terrorism

* Yitzhak Shamir was the operations commander, and later leader, of the Stern Gang, a terrorist group which was responsible for a string of political assassinations.

Shamir was a member of two militant Jewish underground organizations which ... were active in counter-terrorist acts against Arabs as well as sabotage against the British. — The Department for Jewish Zionist Education (Note the use of the term counter-terrorist to disguise terrorism.)

In post-war British-mandated Palestine the words Stern Gang equalled "terrorism" — assassinations, bombings, the full works. ... Yitzhak Shamir had been the gang's operations commander. ... By appointing Shamir Foreign Minister, Prime Minister Menachem Begin had selected the organiser of two famous assassinations: the killing of Lord Moyne, the British Minister representative in the Middle East, in 1944, and that of Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN's special Mediator on Palestine, in 1948. — Stern Gang: what does 'mekhabbel' mean?

During the fight for Jewish statehood, extremist military groups sometimes resorted to the use of terrorist tactics. One such instance occurred in 1948 when members of the Jewish underground organization LEHI (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel) killed UN Peace Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte to protest his diplomatic efforts to modify the Palestine partition plan. ... Yitzhak Shamir reputedly played a role in planning the assassination; however, he was never tried and went on to become Prime Minister of Israel. — The Assassination of Count Bernadotte

* Ariel Sharon initiated the Sabra-Shatila massacre in which between 1000 and 3000 people (mostly Palestinians) were murdered, and now leads a terrorist campaign against all Palestinians living in the occupied territories of the West Bank.

As commander of the notorious Unit 101, Sharon led attacks on Palestinian villages in which women and children were killed. The massacre in the West Bank village of Qibya, on October 14, 1953, was perhaps the most notorious. His troops blew up 45 houses and 69 Palestinian civilians — about half of them women and children — were killed. — The Electronic Intifada

No one has ever been tried for the massacre, but an official Israeli commission of inquiry found that Israel's defense minister at the time, Ariel Sharon, "bears personal responsibility" as well as "indirect responsibility." It was Sharon, after all, who had ordered the Israel Defense Forces to invade Beirut and surround the camps. ... Like Pinochet and other war criminals, Sharon and his Phalangist underlings should be brought to book; if they can successfully evade justice, then it will give heart to killers everywhere. — Marking a Massacre, The Nation

Sharon's preemptive logic undercuts all form of dialogue and negotiations. Its rule of thumb is violence, and then more violence, whether it manifests itself as a military attack or as an aggressive act of dispossession. So while it may seem that the bloody routine is in some way preordained, it is actually Sharon's preemptive zeal alongside Hamas' and Islamic Jihad's fundamentalism that has clouded the horizon and concealed, as Arendt might have said, the possibility for a better future. — Neve Gordon, Sharon's Preemptive Zeal, Counterpunch, 2003-09-24

See also:
o Ariel Sharon: Profile of an Unrepentant War Criminal

o Sharon's willing accomplices

o Gilad Atzmon: Sharon is the right man for the Job